Play as Hederia, a planet warding off alien invaders in this "roles reversed" 4X turn-based strategy game. You can win by repelling the invaders with an adequate planet Hostility score- or, you can lose if you let invader-caused Pollution get out of hand!

Made in 48 hours for GMTK Game Jam 2023.


Hover mouse over Hexes or UI for more information.

Click a plant or animal on the right panel to select it, then click a hex to place it down. Most animals can only be placed in clearings (where there is no forest or buildings), but are usually free, animals last 1 turn. Plants must be placed adjacent to other plants (your starting plant is in the upper right corner) and have a cost of either florix or ozix. Each time you place a plant or Chomper it increases in cost.

Right click an already built plant to see its possible upgrades at the bottom, upgrades cost Hostility.

You have a certain number of actions  per turn, 3 at the start. Placing a plant or animal, or getting an upgrade uses an action.

Alien invaders will destroy forest and plants, expand, and turn the land into wasteland over time. You can use the Chomper animal to slow down their work. Eventually the enemy will create enough Pollution to end the game, each forest tile stops 1 Pollution from being created per turn but each alien factory generates 10 Pollution per turn. 

You need to create 500 Hostility before the Enemies create 1500 Pollution to win.

Updated 5 days ago

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